Dacor Refrigerator IF48BDCBOL
Repairing your IF48BDCBOL Dacor Refrigerator is simple with official replacement parts made to fit your model. View a selection of popular parts, or review parts lists for each of the
IF48BDCBOL model diagrams below. Trust us to help you find the part you need and get your
IF48BDCBOL Dacor Refrigerator running again.
Diagrams for Dacor IF48BDCBOL Refrigerator
There are 13 diagrams for IF48BDCBOL. Click on the diagram where you think your part is located.
Most Popular IF48BDCBOL Parts
These are the most commonly purchased repair parts for IF48BDCBOL.
This 40-watt light bulb has a standard screw-in base. It is used in many different appliances. If your current bulb is burnt out or broken you will need to replace it. This light bulb is a genuine OEM part and is sold individually.
Sold individually.
This screw is sold individually.
Sold individually.
This fan motor is most times used with frost-free refrigerators with a condenser coil. When the compressor runs, so does this fan, circulating air through the refrigerator grille, cooling the compressor and condenser coils. This fan motor also helps to evaporate excess water in the drain pan.
This hose clamp expands from half an inch to an inch in diameter. It is made entirely of metal and is intended for use with Maytag washing machines to secure the end of the drain hose to the pump drain port. Please make sure to disconnect the power to your washer before you start your repair. This hose clamp is a genuine OEM part and is sold individually.