Electrolux Dishwasher EIDW5705PS0A
Repairing your EIDW5705PS0A Electrolux Dishwasher is simple with official replacement parts made to fit your model. View a selection of popular parts, or review parts lists for each of the
EIDW5705PS0A model diagrams below. Trust us to help you find the part you need and get your
EIDW5705PS0A Electrolux Dishwasher running again.
Diagrams for Electrolux EIDW5705PS0A Dishwasher
There are 7 diagrams for EIDW5705PS0A. Click on the diagram where you think your part is located.
Most Popular EIDW5705PS0A Parts
These are the most commonly purchased repair parts for EIDW5705PS0A.
This part is a replacement wheel assembly for your lower dishrack. The wheels on the dishrack allow it to roll in and out of the dishwasher efficiently. If one of your wheels is broken or warped, you will need to replace it. Be sure to inspect the dishrack tines that connect to the wheels when making this repair. Occasionally they can become damaged or rusted out, and in this case, you may have to buy a new dishrack. Most lower racks contain 8 individual wheels, but they are sold individually. The wheel is approximately 1.5 inches in diameter and is made of gray plastic.